Emre Kurttepeli received Accredited Angel Investor License from the Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan

Regulations of Business Angel, which prepared by Under Secreteriat of Tresury and expecting to give a boost to internet ecosystem and also provide 75 percent of tax exemption to Business Angels, was came into effect in February. To take advantage of Regulations of being a Business Angel, investors need to take Accredited Angel Investor License.

Emre Kurttepeli received Accredited Angel Investor License from the Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan

In the Business Angel Program, which held by Under Secreteriat of Tresury at Swiss Hotel İstanbul on April 11, 2013, Accredited Angel Investor License was given by Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan.

Emre Kurttepeli, was one of the first eight investors that received Accredited Angel Investor License. Other seven investors were Ali Sabancı, Ümit Boyner, Murat Yalçıntaş, Pınar Abay, Atilla Kurama, Mehmet Buldurgan, Hasan Aslanoba.

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said: “As of today, our Government will begin to contribute to and encourage this system”. Babacan, at the event of Business Angels Program, also mentioned that this system is widely used around the world and will be a great contribution to Turkey’s economical transform into a dynamic and innovative structure.

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