At the Annual Conference of EBAN (European Business Angels Network), Kurttepeli has described the Angel Investment…

Based in Brussels, (EBAN)- European Business Angels Network has held the eleventh term of EBAN Winter University getting together the investors and entrepreneurs in the European continent held by them every year between 17th and 18th January, 2013 at Istanbul Commerce University.

At the Annual Conference of EBAN (European Business Angels Network), Kurttepeli has described the Angel Investment…

Almost 200 foreign investors within the scope of EBAN Winter University as a two-day small-scale summit have come to Turkey. In the summit, there has been talked about Angel Investment in the World and Turkey. Emre Kurttepeli has explained the Angel Investment in his speech. As a really important system for the economic world, the Angel Investment System has brought the highest tax incentive of the Europe for the angel investors with a study conducted in coordination with the Undersecretariat of Treasury. Having been rapidly increasing recently, Turkish economy has become the focus of interest of the foreign angel investors especially with the support act on angel investment newly enacted. EBAN– European Business Angels Network represents 25 thousand angel investors in European continent.


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