Emre Kurttepeli joined the jury of TEB Open Innovation Competition

Turkish Economy Bank (TEB) adopted the theme “ be agile, get a result” at their Open Innovation Competition that is now traditional with their “ Make an Innovation” motto this year.

Emre Kurttepeli joined the jury of TEB Open Innovation Competition

Turkish Economy Bank (TEB) adopted the theme “ be agile, get a result” at their Open Innovation Competition that became a tradition is now traditional with their “Make an Innovation” motto this year.

Emre Kurttepeli was in jury of the competition that was held on 15 May, 2015. The jury members were Varol Ciliv – TEB Holding Chairman, Ümit Leblebici – TEB GM,. Turgut Boz – TEB SME Banking Asst. GM and Acting Director, Gökhan Mendi – TEB Private Banking Asst.GM, Mehmet Ali Cer – TEB Information Technologies Asst. GM, Berrak Kutsoy – Pegasus Airlines Advisor, Didem Altop – Endeavor Turkey Secretary General, Emre Kurttepeli – Mynet Founder and Chairman of Galata Business Angels, Hakan Ertürk – Head of Department, Secretariat of Treasury, Kaan Kayabalı – Founder, Murat Ulus – Takasbank GM, Sefer Levent – Hurriyet Author, Timur Sırt – Sabah Author and Ufuk Batum – ODTÜ Teknokent Asst. GM.


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