Emre Kurttepeli made a speech at TUSIAD

Having ability in technology and innovation is important for competitive power, economical development and social development. TÜSİAD Technology Innovation and Information Society Commission takes attention of business world in Turkey and general public, to Search and Development, technology and innovation and performs several activities.

Emre Kurttepeli made a speech at TUSIAD

With the idea that “Financing of Innovation” has close relation with the financing of early stage entrepreneurship, TUSİAD organized a seminary with the title of “Early Stage Enterprise Capital” on 14 November 2011.

The policies to be applied and concrete steps which must be taken to speed up the constitution of enterprise, risk capital and business angels echo system according to financing of the innovation in the seminary

Opening speeches of the meeting was made by TUSİAD Chairman of the Board Ümit Boyner and T.R. Vice Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Prof. Davut Kavranoğlu.

Umit Boyner told that as long as business operations can be innovative and bring their corporate structure into a healthier, transparent and innovate level, their economy will able to develop easier and reach to targets.

Boyner who also told that traditional financing methods, generally prefers low risk sectors while making investment or providing credit, and different financial actors and different financing tools must became part of the activity in areas which have high technology, high risk and impossible to show guarantee, even though the risk which may be faced with is high, investors can have high income by applying the financing technique called enterprise capital, and SEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT activities, investments, export and technology transfer increase gained a speed when we take into consideration the successful applications.

Vice Minister of T.R. the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Prof. Kavranoğlu told that Turkey can take firm steps to its 2023 targets if we can make more transparent, fair, dürüst and hard working country both with private and public sectors.

Kavranoğlu, by remembering that industry products consist the biggest part of export in Turkey, he told that we could not reach to demanded levels in high technologic products even though a transition is made from low technology products to medium technologic products in recent years.

Kavranoğlu who also told that entrepreneur spirit must also be applied for increasing richness as country, they show great importance to all kinds of projects which will contribute development of entrepreneurship culture and increasing new contributions.

In the seminary, a panel was organized under moderator of TÜSİAD Technology and Innovation Working Group Head, Ayşegül İldeniz.

In the panel, Turkey Technology Development Foundation General Secretary Dr. Mete. Çakmakçı, İlab Ventures CFA and Directro Yüksel Dibekoğlu, Under secretariat for the Treasury General Directorate of Banking and Foreign Exchange Under secretariat Legal Advisor Hayrettin Demircan, Capital Market Assembly Corporate Investors Chamber Expert Onur Atilla, Mynet Founder and Chairman of the board Emre Kurttepeli spoke in the panel.

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