R&D budget rises by 17.5 percent to 10.7 billion liras in 2017

According to the “Central Government Budget Appropriations and Outlays on R&D, 2018” data released by Turkstat, Central Government Budget expenditures on R&D accounted for 0.34 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 1.4 percent of the Central Government Budget expenditure in 2017.

Istanbul, July 12 (DHA) - According to the “Central Government Budget Appropriations and Outlays on R&D, 2018” data released by Turkstat, Central Government Budget expenditures on R&D accounted for 0.34 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 1.4 percent of the Central Government Budget expenditure in 2017.

According to provisional results based on initial budget appropriations, Turkey has allocated 12.95 billion liras on R&D for the budgetary year 2018.

Indirect R&D support was 2.87 billion liras for the year 2017.

Total amount of indirect R&D support (R&D tax relieves) was 2.87 billion liras for the year 2017.

Most important socio-economic objective was General University Funds

The largest share of Central Government Budget appropriations on R&D was directed to the socio-economic objective ‘General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from General University Funds (GUF)’ with 41.2 percent for the year 2018.

This share was;

  • 28.5 percent for ‘Defense’,
  • 7.7 percent for ‘Industrial production and technology’,
  • 5 percent for ‘Education’,
  • and 4 percent for ‘Transport, telecommunication and other infrastructures’ respectively.

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