Adopted by the Board of Directors of Sanica Isı Sanayi A.Ş. on 15.04.2024;
Financial statements for the year 2023, which have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Capital Markets Board's (SPK) Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in the Capital Markets II-14.1 published in the Official Gazette dated June 13, 2013, and the SPK Principle Decision on inflation accounting dated December 28, 2023, as well as the Turkish Accounting Standards and Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS) issued by the Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK) along with their amendments and interpretations, and have been audited independently, are presented in compliance with the financial table examples determined in the Financial Statements Sample and Usage Guide published in the Official Gazette dated June 7, 2019, and developed based on the TFRS Taxonomy, covering the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
The Board of Directors' annual activity report for the 2023 accounting period has been prepared in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, the Regulation on Determining the Minimum Content of Companies' Annual Activity Reports published by the Ministry of Customs and Trade, and the Capital Markets Board's (SPK) Communiqué on Principles Regarding Financial Reporting in the Capital Markets II-14.1.
Corporate governance compliance reports have been prepared using the Corporate Governance Compliance Report (URF) and Corporate Governance Information Form (KYBF) templates via the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) in accordance with the Capital Markets Board's (SPK) decision dated 10.01.2019 and numbered 2/49.
The compliance report related to the Sustainability Principles Compliance Framework, prepared in accordance with the Amendment Communique (II-17.1.a) on the Corporate Governance Communiqué (II-17.1) published and enforced by the Capital Markets Board (SPK) in the Official Gazette dated 02.10.2020 and numbered 31262.
Reviewed by our side,
Based on the information within our scope of duties and responsibilities, the financial statements and activity reports reviewed by our Board of Directors are as follows and we declare:
- The financial statements, activity reports, corporate governance compliance reports, and sustainability compliance report do not contain any misleading statements or any deficiencies that could lead to misleading as of the date of disclosure in significant matters;
- The financial statements prepared in accordance with the current financial reporting standards truthfully reflect the assets, liabilities, financial position, and profit or loss of the business; and
- The activity report honestly reflects the business's development and performance, along with the financial position, significant risks, and uncertainties faced by the business;
Best regards,
Chairman of the Audit Committee
Member of the Audit Committee
General Manager of Production and Management Organizations
Member of the Board of Directors